Thursday, April 28, 2011

thoughts going into the 50s For Your Momma 50k

with a section of dirt trails to train on (which i just found last week!) the idea of running another trail race is even more appealing than ever, and a chance to set a new PR always provides a ton of motivation. i have been feeling a bit flat, but some long slow distance (LSD) is gona feel great after the months of high intensity, and therefore high pressure, workouts. the simplicity of "going for a run" is lost when doing intervals and tempos exclusively.
so this week im planning a 2 hour trail run, with an 8lb weighted vest, through Saw Wee Kee Park. theres only about seven miles of trails there, but theyre mountain bike trails. the violent ups, downs, and sharp turns should keep it interesting. and hopefully i wont be alone. this run (of two hours) will be my longest training run in both time and distance since late last fall, but it should be all i need to be ready to run for five hours on may 7th. with good conditions and some caffeine, i should be able to average under nine minutes a mile for the 50k, which will give me a 4:15-4:45 and a new PR for 50k. -as sad as that is. my target race, the "50s For Your Momma" in Circleville, Ohio should be a pretty fast course. the 50k consists of eight, four-mile loops with aid stations every two miles, so mentally it should be the easiest ultra yet.
the plan as of now is to stay with the front pack for the first 4-5 laps and see what happens after that. i just hope that anyone thats running sub-7:00s just breaks away from the start. ill be taking Vespa before this race, so going out fast is not an option or i risk throwing it up.
ill be using any major hills as a chance to eat and drink as i walk up, but if the course is flatter than advertised, id love to run the entire thing.
the goals for this one are:
1) to finish and not get injured
2) to PR
3) to get some hardware -im freakin tired of winning age-group awards! so what if im the fastest baby!

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