Monday, April 11, 2011

my sub-2:55 goal

-if you dont care about my goals, skip to the workout below-
my "A" goal for the marathon is to run a low 2:50 (like 2:50:00-2:53:00), but given that the race is gona be hot as hell at this rate, my "B" goal is to hit a 2:55 or faster.
since my last half marathon was kind of a fiasco, its hard to tell what im capable of, but considering the sub-6:40 average i had at that race, a few weeks of more marathon-specific training should allow me to get my 2:55 (a 6:40 average for the full marathon). the runs with the tire are gona get longer, im gona do atleast one day of track work, and focus more on leg endurance and power with my lifting (as opposed to strength and injury prevention which has been the focus up to this point in this season)
my first run with the tire on March 1st was only one mile, the second one three days later was two miles. each run has been one mile further. -two days ago my tire run was six miles. now that marathon day is getting closer, and my body has gotten used to the idea of dragging 20 pounds of rubber, im going to increase the distance 2 miles per run for the final two runs before race: eight miles then ten miles. i feel the tire helps me prepare for the mental part of raceing more than most other types of running since every step makes me want to stop just a little more than the previous one. when im in the last part of a hard race, even a shorter race like a 5k, the urge to stop gets stronger each minute i run, and the tire replicates that. plus, since im going slower (right around 10:00 pace) the impact is lower. also, since im pretty much going as hard as i can, its like going on a long tempo run. a 6 mile tempo would be less than 40 mins, but 6 miles with the tire is likely to be more than an hour long. -and the 10 miler will be over an hour and a half of hard effort!
other than the tire, my treadmill climbs have extended from a meager 8 minutes of tempo effort at about a 14% incline to 20 minutes earlier this week at the same speed and incline. and i plan to do 30 minutes at the same speed an incline one week before race day. im hoping that building these two up right before the marathon should help me feel somewhat of a peak in my running fitness.

heres my workout from last night (using less recovery is one way im making my workouts more race-specfic):
-with a 34 min running clock
>5 min WU on mill, alternating between full incline and fast paces for most of it
>1 min R (recovery)
>tabata* run on mill (full incline and roughly 10k pace)
>tabata squats (the rest period is seated on a "air chair," so the rest is the worst part)
>half tabata V-ups (touching toes each rep, the last variation in the video)
>half tabata supine bicycle
>half tabata V-ups
>half tabata supine bicycle
>half tabata deadlift at 3/4 bodyweight
>2 mins R
>7 min CD jog at a decent pace (no walking, youre almost done!)
*tabata: 20 seconds of all-out effort followed by 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes -or 2 minutes for half tabata. the idea is to do the most reps you can during each 20 second period, dont pace, just accept the pain.

this workout was pretty rugged, i would suggest removing the second round of V-ups and supine bicycle for anyone that isnt really into ab work. after only having 10 seconds of rest, by the time you get to the deadlifts, your body should be letting you know that its been goin hard for 20 minutes. if your trying it, be sure to focus on form as you fatigue. this one will leave you flat on the floor panting, it has got to be in the top-3 for workouts ive designed, as far as the challenge and fun. enjoy. and tell me how it goes

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