Thursday, February 17, 2011

thoughts goin into the Frozen Buns Fun Run

im getting pretty excited to be running something so short! but its making me pretty anxious to think about how fast its gona be. thats one of the best perks of ultra running: its slow as hell unless your really good.
a few days ago i did a good 5k-prep workout, figuring it would have put my mind at ease a bit, and it did to some extent. here it is:
>10 min WU running on the mill
>5X 2:30on- 1:00 off(straddling the belt), @ 8.5mph w/7% incline*, for a total of 12:30 at about 5k pace
>10-8-6-4-1 snatch, w/last rep at 90lbs
>2X 5 burpee-pullups, very short recovery, just to practice form
>drank two mouth-fulls of water and recovered for a few mins
>20mins running in sauna
*about equal to 5:20 pace on flat ground based on the amount of force(measured in METs) that i was producing
ive dont think that ive ever been in this kind of shape for a 5k before, im lifting more sprinting faster, and running farther than ever (and my mood and energy are pretty insane lately!). but ive havent been doing any significant tempo work yet, and with course conditions looking to be substantially sub-optimum, my time for this one is going to mean very little. so other than winning, recovery is going to be the biggest measurable part this race.
the 5k this weekend and the 10k on march 13th are simply to get my confidence back up and my legs used to running sub-6:00 pace again. the quicker i can recover from those two, the more my training will benefit from the psychological and physiological effect of racing: if i know that i just ran a 36:00'ish 10k, then i will have more confidence in knowing what kind of speed i can maintain during intervals or tempo work.


  1. I remember when I ran my 10k at somewhere around 50 minutes. Of course, there were limiting factors to my run: I was wearing your shoes, which didn't fit my feet, and I thought I was running a 5k. But, since then, I've grown a new appreciation for speed work and shorter distances, which lets me appreciate what you're saying a lot more. Good luck with the races.

  2. thanks for the input man. i dont hear enough about your running anymore.
    i cant wait to see you at the end of april for the marathon! -dont get injured!

  3. Good luck in your race tomorrow!
