Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Frozen Buns Run "5k" (~3.55 miles)

race day was somewhat of an organizational letdown, with 5 minutes left before the race was planned to start, i still couldnt get a positive answer of where i would be running. the plan was to run on crushed limestone trails for an out-and-back route if the weather was bad, so with freezing rain and some ice patches left on the trails, many people thought that we were going to plan B and running on the horse track, which i was really hoping for since, if that happened, there would be two two heats and i was planning to run in both. 2 by 5k with about 8-10 minutes of rest would have been a great day!
but about five minutes after the planned start time, we found out the race was to be on the trails and we would be starting soon. so i "got naked,*" only to stand at the start line for another 5 minutes or so in the rain. 33-35 degrees is pretty cool when theres a breeze and rain.
once the race started, i realized that starting behind people wasnt the smartest idea. i felt like a jerk running in an out of people(at a fun run) just so i could get to the front. but the plan was to win, so i needed to find out who i was running against. as i edged my way past the pack, then the fifth, fourth, third, and then the second place runners, i saw who it was gona be. about 400 meters into the race, Steve(i later found out his name at the finish line as we talked about the race) was about 25 meters in front of me as i passed the guy in second. i did my best to match his pace. my body hasnt had enough extended work at lactate threshold levels in a while, so i knew wasting energy to catch him was a bad idea. so i stalked him from 25 meters back until about the 1.25 mile mark(there were no markers, im just guessing), just a bit before the turnaround. its hard to tell if he slowed down or if i sped up, but i think it was a bit of both. as he started to dig into the trail to turn around, i was right on his shoulder, then quickly in front of him. from the moment i passed him, i have very little idea how his race went. i dont even know if he responded to my pass. i just tried my best to drive home the win and put as much ground on him as possible on the way back, especially since my fitness is the most important thing that i get out of racing -i still needed to get a leg-trashing workout in.
the way back felt amazing, i felt "the fear of the front-runner" for the first time in a while, and nothing beats it. since its an out-and-back, i received quite a bit of support from the other runners in the race. -mostly just exclamations of how cold i looked. in reality, i was quite comfortable until i stopped running. but either way, cheers help.
i waited for Steve to join me at the finish line. when youre in first the guy in second always seems like hes right on your shoulder, but it turns out he was almost a minute behind. but i swear i felt him behind me all the way back**. all that adrenaline for nothing i guess.
i dont wana give the impression that i ran the worlds best race or anything. the average pace was just under 6:00 a mile and im sure i had a pretty slow last mile(partly due to the fact that the course was almost half a mile longer than i was told it would be and my internal odometer was telling me i must have taken a wrong turn), but i really enjoyed being back in a short, distance race. im looking forward to running the 10k on the 13th now. there should be plenty of runners ready to give me hell there, and after some tempo work(and after the ice melts) i should have no trouble keeping the same pace or better for the 6.2 miles.
-check back over the next few weeks to see some longer tempo runs and some heavy interval sessions, along with some more heavy lifting and 100s more pullups and pushups.
*3/8" needle spikes on my feet(no socks), Nike shorts(~half inch inseam), and some midweight armwarmers
**Steve: thanks so much for showing up, you made my race, and i hope that i made yours. we really tore it up out there in the sleet and rain.
pictures soon


  1. Hey, I might be joining you on the 13th (but in the companion 5k instead of the 10k).

  2. that would be incredible! we could take 1 and 1! ... ok maybe not. theres gona be some serious runners at that one. what kinda time are you shootin for? -i think im lookin for a 36:00. thats only about 5:50 pace, so that shouldnt be too hard, but the "hilly" description of the course has me questioning.

  3. "Hilly" in Illinois means pretty much nothing.

    It's way early in my season, I'm training straight through it, and I can't run double digit mileage runs because of my GI issues lately... so not fast.

    But, I did run a 10 minute sub-5:30 (supposedly 5:22, subject to slight error) tempo lately even though I felt kind of slow... so that might be a good sign.
