Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Merrell Naked Foot 5k

I made a last minute decision to do the Merrell Naked Foot 5k this morning. The physiological benefits of running hard a week before race day(Bear Chase 50k) are limited to shocking the crap out of my nervous system, but that's all i wanted. So I even did a hard, fast, speed session two nights before race day, which was the first speedwork I've done in months and it left me a little sore this morning.
That being said, I've won quite a few 5k's, and a win would give me some great mental momentum to go into the 50k with...
After a fun course and a thorn(or somethin!) in my left arch I finished in second place by 10 seconds or less. I started behind a group of people who were running quite a bit slower than me causing me to lose about 15 meters on the guy in first, and I never made up the ground. I figured I'd catch him in the last half mile, but the race ended sooner than I expected and I barely hard time to kick.
The biggest thing that bothered me about today was that the only person that beat me needed shoes to do it. If I won money ($110 Merrill gift card)at a race where the theme was barefooting but i had to wear shoes to do it, I'd feel awful. Thats all I'm gona say about it.
And the bottom line is that i ran a 16:44 after not doing any speedwork, other than the one session that I'm still sore from two days ago. coming off of a few big, slow, trail-filled weeks (80 and 100 miles) to run a sub 17 minute 5k on tight legs is incredible for me, and to do it without shoes is even better.

Going into the Bear Chase Trail Race 50k, i should be ready for the distance(after two "low" 20 miler runs, a 100 mile week, and a 31 mile day), and after today i know I'm ready for the speed. Now its just up to the nutrition.


  1. I loved reading your posts about Colorado! I tried 30 clean/jerks (50 lb sandbag) for time today, took me 6 minutes. I'm still a bit sick so I kind of coughed up a lung afterward, but eh. The grip got really hard, but probably didn't slow me down because I probably needed all that rest anyway (it might have actually made the final time better because it prevented me from going too fast at first). Disclaimer: lots of them were closer to power cleans than full cleans. And I failed twice trying for number 28.

  2. nice man, those are the kind of workouts that make you injury-proof! man, keep that kind of stuff up and you'll be more than ready for your 50k in May! -did i tell you that Sabrina is gona run the 50k with you guys?
    I'll be posting about my training grouds next: Bear Creek, Deer Creek Canyon, etc. I previewed part of the 50k course for this weekend, and its gona be awesome! there are 3 water crossings per loop and i got a chance to go through um yesterday. -there about 25 feet wide or more a foot deep with large, instable rocks on the bottom, so it should make for some slow (but fun!) miles.

  3. Very nice! We need to get you posting more regularly...

    You didn't mention Sabrina was running it. She'll probably kick our asses!

  4. if you two dont stay moving, she definitely will! shes gona be doin 12:00 pace or just under it, but its gona be relentless.
    i think the three of you are gona do great! im happy to be popping three cherries in one day! and four if you include my own -for 50 miles. its gona be a great day!

    good luck training, and ill see you May bro!
