the day after a race for most runners is a day of easy running(worthless!*) or a day completely off.
i use my post-race workout as a way to help me recover by boosting the hormones that i help rebuild the body ive just trashed.
full-body workouts have been shown to increase the levels of anabolic hormones, especially when lifitng heavy. human growth hormone, HGH, in particular is what im after: it causes new tissue growth anywhere in the body (muscles, bones, ligaments, etc). running has been shown to decrease these hormones (since your body is trying to get smaller and lighter to better handle to extended activity). so i do heavy, full-body workouts to counteract this negative effect. the obvious side effect of this system is a bit of muscular gain, about 5 pounds in my case. in the past weight gain scared me as it does most runners, but if i can gain less than half a percent of my body weight and get 5% stronger, then its well worth it. plus the effect on preventing injuries is priceless to me.
*its too "flush out lactic acid." yeah right! -the human body clears out most lactate within a few minutes of exercising and all of it within and hour, and lactic acid itself is used in the muscles as an energy source. how do runners go so wrong?!
the night after the Delavan Half Marathon, i did the following workout:
>20 mins sauna (first time in the sauna in a few weeks)
>4X5 clean and jerk BU (build up; getting heavier each set and ending above 100 pounds)
>3X3 deadlift BU
>25 GHD situps
after my first half marathon race ever i had no noticable soreness by 48 hours after the race and was able to hit a pretty solid day three days after. the following workouts were on wednesday after the sunday race:
-midday (in Vibram Flows)
>half mile BU dragging the tire (post about the tire coming soon)
>5X120 meters all out efforts
-evening (barefoot)
>plyo WU (jumping jacks, split jumps, and some running)
>10 mins AMRAP(as many rounds as possible): 20 bent over rows(30 lbs), 10 chest to deck pushups, 20 upright rows(30 lbs), 10 face to floor decline(feet elevated 18") pushups
>10 mins rest
>10 mins AMRAP: 6 alternating pistols*, 5 hands to toes V-Ups, 4 cleans
* -an educational video on pistols. i was never forunate enough to practice for them: i just kinda did them one day. pretty good video though.
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