Wednesday, November 23, 2011

more pictures from The Moab Trail Marathon

 I knew I'd find more...
the amount of rain made for some solid flooding and unplanned water crossings, near the first aid station

you can barely make out the trail there but that was about half the climb from the canyon floor to the top of the mesa

some canyonlands, the sections of sand on the trail gave me chance to catch a few great views -but only for a moment

more canyonlands

I can't stop wondering how it would have looked without all the rain and flodding
an example of some of the 'exposure' on the course, you can see why the race had a nice long waiver to sign at registration
wide open views are defnetly the best part about all the climbing before the half way mark
one of the unique formations of the area: a "tower" of rock jutting straight up

nice gentle trail.. with a steep drop just to the side of it
 I think the middle must have had too many water crossings for anyone to keep their cameras out.

even though I was barely jogging by this point, i thought about how fun it would be to try to run/climb up up one of those

some parts of the course weren't even on trail, just 'follow the orange ribbon road'

the open field that lead to the finish

-and the official results are up at:

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